Circular economy Our circular economy service promotes sustainable environmental construction

Soil and other materials in circulation! Read about what the circular economy principle means for RTA-Yhtiöt and how we put it into practice. The reception of soil materials serves earthworks companies and municipalities in Loppi, Kanta-Häme in a number of functions, including the reception of threshold soils and waste-mixed soil materials.

Our soil reception facility is located in Loppi.
We receive:

Surface soils · Non-cohesive soil · Loose soils · Railway embankment covering · Threshold soils · Waste-containing soil material (Helsinki moraine) · Sand for gritting/chippings · Soil material containing foreign species · Concrete and brick waste · Tyres, shredded tyres and tyre cuttings · Flue dust and bottom ash · Foundry sand · Waste incineration slag


The delivery of materials must be agreed in advance.

Contact information and calls for tenders:

Matti Pölkki, +358 40 777 9831,,


Materials reception area open by appointment
Address: Nummenrannantie 765, 12920 Loppi

See location on map


This is how our circular economy service works at our project site in Loppi shooting range

The idea behind the circular economy is to keep soil materials in use for as long as possible and to promote the use of recycled materials in all kinds of construction. We are applying the model in the construction of noise barriers at the Loppi shooting range:

  • Our customers can deliver to our circular economy area surplus soil and other soil that they cannot use from their own sites, including concrete waste and brick waste from demolition and construction sites, threshold soil, asphalt waste and incineration residues from energy production plants.
  • We utilise the recycled materials we receive for various purposes, such as building shelter and rampart structures for the shooting range. The concept of the circular economy also includes the remediation and cleanup of contaminated land.
  • We minimise waste by using the surplus soil and waste materials we receive at our other sites. We can also cross-use the material flows generated by our projects between multiple project sites.
  • In addition, we look for and develop new uses for the soil and materials that are delivered to us.

Less use of landfills

Several municipalities in Finland are aiming to become carbon-neutral by 2035. This will require earthworks projects to manage their soil masses more efficiently and to improve logistics, recycling and the use of recycled materials. There is also a move away from using lorries to transport waste in order to reduce the emissions they cause from landfills, and to reduce the use of virgin land.

With its circular economy service, RTA-Yhtiöt helps its customers to operate in a more environmentally way and to save on construction costs. There is plenty of potential for the service, as numerous new infrastructure construction projects are about to begin in our core business area in the regions of Uusimaa and Kanta-Häme in the coming years.

The benefits of our circular economy services:

  • Reducing the use of limited natural resources in construction
  • Less disposal of construction and demolition waste in landfills
  • Efficient recycling of used materials
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  • Cost savings from more efficient materials management
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